导读 软管泵-滑模机多种工艺,豫信致诚机械设备有限公司专业从事软管泵-滑模机多种工艺,联系人:杨经理,电话:19939106370、19939106370,QQ:2831509198,发货地:焦作中站李封南会253号发货到陕西省 西安市、宝鸡市、咸阳市、延安市、汉中市、榆林市、铜川市、商洛市、安康市,以下是软管泵-滑模机多种工艺的详细页面。 陕西省 陕西省,简称“陕”或“秦”,中华人民共和国省级行政区,省会西安,位于中国内陆腹地,黄河中游,东邻山西、河南,西连宁夏、甘肃,南抵四川、重庆、湖北,北接内蒙古,介于东经105°29′—111°15′,北纬31°42′—39°35′之间,总面积205624.3平方千米。截至2022年11月,陕西省下辖10个地级市(其中省会西安为副省级市)、31个市辖区、7个县级市、69个县。截至2022年末,陕西省常住人口3956万人。
Drilling mud, crude oil transportation and transportation of organic solvents and fuel oils such as gasoline and kerosene in the petroleum industry; transportation of sludge and lime slurry for water treatment; mining and metallurgical industries, such as filling materials in gold mining, and pulp in gold smelting Transportation; transportation of pharmaceutical materials and liquids in the pharmaceutical industry; transportation of oil materials and beverages in the food industry; transportation of pulp and sulfur pulp in the paper industry; transportation of cement mortar in the construction industry; transportation of ceramic glaze in the ceramic industry; nuclear waste and electrolysis Transportation of liquid materials such as waste slag, metal slag liquid, paint, coating and so on.
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司是一家集科研、生产及销售为一体的综合性企业。专业从事各类 陕西路沿石成型机研发与生产。公司生产设备先进,技术力量雄厚,检测设备齐全。产品销往全国各地并己远销俄罗斯,泰国,越南,伊朗等十几个和地区。受到用户的一致好评。公司本着“以人为本,质量为先,市场在变,诚信不变”的经营理念,以“诚信、合作、发展、创新”为宗旨,走科学创新的道路,不断推出更优的产品,以适应高速发展的建筑行业的需求。
一根内壁光滑,强度可靠的特制橡胶软管安装在泵体内部,通过一对压辊沿着软管旋转挤压,这样的 旋转使得介质往一个方向输送而不会倒流,软管在输送介质之后,由被压扁软管的自身弹性和侧导轮的强制下,软管恢复原状,此时,软管内产生高真空将介质再次吸入管腔,然后介质在随之而来的压辊挤压下从软管内排出,如此周而复始,介质不断的被吸入和排出。目前产品使用温度为≤100℃。根据用户需要可以开发使用温度在120℃的软管泵软管产品。
Working principle of hose pump:
A special rubber hose with a smooth inner wall and reliable strength is installed inside the pump body. It is rotated and squeezed along the hose by a pair of pressure rollers. This rotation allows the medium to be transported in one direction without flowing back. After that, due to the elasticity of the flattened hose and the force of the side guide wheels, the hose returns to its original state. At this time, a high vacuum is generated in the hose to suck the medium into the lumen again, and then the medium is pressed by the subsequent pressure roller. It is discharged from the hose under the squeeze, and so on and on, the medium is continuously sucked in and discharged. The current product temperature is ≤100 ℃. According to user needs, we can develop hose pump hose products with a temperature of 120 ℃.
一根内壁光滑,强度可靠的特制橡胶软管安装在泵体内部,通过一对压辊沿着软管旋转挤压,这样的 旋转使得介质往一个方向输送而不会倒流,软管在输送介质之后,由被压扁软管的自身弹性和侧导轮的强制下,软管恢复原状,此时,软管内产生高真空将介质再次吸入管腔,然后介质在随之而来的压辊挤压下从软管内排出,如此周而复始,介质不断的被吸入和排出。目前产品使用温度为≤100℃。根据用户需要可以开发使用温度在120℃的软管泵软管产品。
Working principle of hose pump:
A special rubber hose with a smooth inner wall and reliable strength is installed inside the pump body. It is rotated and squeezed along the hose by a pair of pressure rollers. This rotation allows the medium to be transported in one direction without flowing back. After that, due to the elasticity of the flattened hose and the force of the side guide wheels, the hose returns to its original state. At this time, a high vacuum is generated in the hose to suck the medium into the lumen again, and then the medium is pressed by the subsequent pressure roller. It is discharged from the hose under the squeeze, and so on and on, the medium is continuously sucked in and discharged. The current product temperature is ≤100 ℃. According to user needs, we can develop hose pump hose products with a temperature of 120 ℃.
总结软管泵-滑模机多种工艺_豫信致诚机械设备有限公司,固定电话:19939106370,移动电话:19939106370,联系人:杨经理,QQ:2831509198,中站李封南会253号 发货到 陕西省。